045 From Left to Right

Follow the road down

Walk down

Follow the road down

Follow the road down

Enter the gallery

Search for three hint coins

Zoom in on the left archway

Search for three hint coins

Check out the hand shaped art on the right

Glossy Scarf

Look at the largest painting

045 From Left to Right

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Slide the top right crate right

Slide the rightmost square crate right

Slide the rightmost rectangular crate right and down

Slide the top rectangular crate right, down and right

Slide the leftmost rectangular crate up one space and right

Slide the square crate beside the statue right

Slide the top left square crate down

Slide the top crate left

Slide the leftmost rectangular crate up and right

Slide the middle square crate right and up

Slide the square crate beside the statue right

Slide the bottom left crate up

Slide the bottom square crate left

Slide the middle square crate down and left

Slide the middle rectangular crate left one space and down

Slide the top square crate down and right

Slide the top left crate right

Slide the crate beside the statue up

Slide the statue right

Slide the bottom left square crate up and left

Slide the bottom square crate left and up

Slide the bottom left rectangular crate left

Slide the bottom right rectangular crate left

Slide the square crate beside the statue down and left

Slide the rightmost square crate left and down

Slide the statue to the exit


1415 Picarats and 139 Hint Coins

043 Evenly Matched (US) / Pawn Portions (UK)

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo 3DS

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